Saturday, June 28, 2008

She is living my other life!

I found a new blog today and I am IN LOVE with this lady already and I don't even know who she is or where she is. Here is a blurb from her blog on "Alternative" that so spoke to me and about who we are:
Parenting It’s a crazy thing…this parenting job. We are trying to do the best that we can with the information that we have…and adding a whole bunch of love and kisses along the way We are a home birthing, cloth diapering, non-vaxing, gentle disciplining, baby wearing, co-sleeping, extended nursing family…whew! That’s a lot of labels. I prefer to think of it as natural parenting. We believe that children are to be treated with respect and mercy. It’s not an easy road and we’re not perfect by any means…but we try to treat Bella the way we want her to treat others….with respect and kindness.
Isn't that great? She is a photographer who lives on the road with her family. I really think she maybe my "other life".
This is her blog.... WOW!!!
I hope you all are having a great week - I have been stewing on some things that I will share soon. God is working on me in many areas this week.
Love to all


Lindsay said...

I really agree with the part that we are doing the best we can with the information we have- (the best we can do is to love our children and make sure they know God and live for God.) One of the best lessons on parenting I have ever heard was from a guy in Denton - he said, "You can follow every parenting rule in the book - but if you don't love your child they will not be okay. On the other hand, you can break every parenting rule but love your child they will be okay." That just gave me so much peace. Just do the best you can and always love my children.

Michele @ Frugal Granola said...

I love that blog, too! :) It is so full of inspiration!
Michele :)

Unknown said...

miss talking to you lately. life has just turned into a whirlwind for me lately. I loved reading that blog and am so ready to pick up life and take off. rat-race, no matter how you run it, sucks.
looking forward to hearing/reading more about what you have been rolling around in your head and heart lately.
hope all is well.