Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I have locked myself in the house for the last five days in order to avoid catching the stomach flu that is running a muck in our friend's and family's homes.  It has been a hard week, and today has been especially hard.  I have run the gamut of emotions over the past five days.  From being very excited that I have a reason to stay home and accomplish things (if you read my last blog, I am a list accomplisher), to being very sad over a friendship lost, and now to just feeling down right depressed.  I am in desperate need of sunshine - vitamin D and adult conversation.  Typically, on a normal day in a normal year I would go and drown my depressive days and need of getting out of the house with a good shopping trip.  Purchasing this and that would get me through the low moments and in the end I would come out good spirited and arms full of "stuff".  But this is not a typical day in a typical year.  I can't go and get drunk from the shopper high of obtaining.  Instead I must look to other things to indulge in.  And honestly I have no idea what it will be tomorrow but it definitely include getting out of the house and obtaining some serious vitamin D!

1 comment:

Brooke and Peter said...

i love your "search" --- keep it up Holly... A good walk seems to solve most problems...